this lovely corner of america (the compound) was politely invited to curate and host an art show in another lovely corner of america (upstairs @ The Khyber) and we lovingly excepted.
come to 56 S. 2nd street this friday night for a once in an evening opportunity to celebrate what we are affectionately calling "independence eve" because we are true patriotic-red-blooded-flag-flying-hippy-hating-thumbs-up-giving-xenophobic heros of the world!
there will be paintings, drawings, and a bunch of other stuff from a bunch of wonderful americans, a few of english girls trying to gain it all back, and absolutely no commies. oh. and if thats not all, theres free beer thanks to the wonderful people at Pabst Blue Ribbon (thanks ya'll!).
so come ring in the greatest day on earth from 7-10, July 3rd! we'll see you there with art on!
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