Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Professionally Speaking

Concerning the girl with the stars on her face in the previous post.
For those of you who don't know the story she claims she asked for 3 stars, fell asleep in the chair and woke up with 56 stars.
I say fuck her. She is full of shit. There is no way someone can sleep through that. Just think of when a friend passes out early from drinking. It is hard as hell to get them not to move and even harder to draw a straight line on them. And don't lie to yourself and say you've never drawn on someone passed out or at least witnessed it.
If you look at that tattoo the line work is too clean for it to be on someone who was sleeping. She had to sit there and consciously not move, that is the only way that tattoo looks that good.
Also why wouldn't the sound of the machine wake her up. Let me tell you from experience that when you get tattooed on your neck area the sound of the machine is right in your ear. And it's not quiet. I imagine being tattooed on your face is even more awkward.
And finally why did he stop at 56 stars. Is he that good to know not to press his luck at 57. I would think that at some point if this was going on while she was sleeping, she would wake up and there would at least be one if not more stars unfinished on her face.
In Closing this rant I would like to say again fuck her for trying to give tattoo artists a bad name. She made a decision she regretted and it's on her. Bottom line is the guy did a clean solid tattoo. Cause I'll say this, if anyone asked me to tattoo there face like that I would. I would tell you people are gonna act a lot differently toward but in the end it's your decision to make and I'm not your fucking guidance counselor. I'm just a guy with a glorified sewing machine "trying to make a living and doing the best I can."

Adam R. Pietras
Tattoo Artist at Large

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