Thursday, February 18, 2010


    The Compound has studio space available and is taking inquires to join our art collective. What are are you joining? A space occupied by several working artists in Philadelphia just north of Chinatown. Some of us draw, some of us paint using anything from acrylic to oil paint, some of us make use of fabrics and sewing in our work, some of us use our screen printing equipment that includes a four color screen press, etching press and two exposure units, all of us have fun while trying to make a living at our respective arts. We often show together as a group and we always back each other's solo endeavors. We've been trying to establish a collective that does not subscribe to one style, or school of thought but that embraces people that are motivated yet not to high strung for our environment. If you feel like a lot of artist collectives are too stuffy or take themselves to seriously then the Compound is the place for you. Good times is one of our major exports.
    Our most recent activity includes Compound member Miriam Singer having a show at the Philadelphia International Airport in terminal F, member Jason Andrew Turner had a solo show of his work at Reward, and a number of us participated in the Heart Show. 
    Besides Miriam & Jason, artist that have worked with or in the the Compound over the past three years include Ryan Beck, Bill Sands, Justin Berry, Erin Broadhurst, Derrick Wesley McNew, Alex Curtis, Erin King, Kate Fabrizio, Luis Angel Cancel, and myself, Adam Pietras.
   Our members have shown in a variety of venues and shows in the Philadelphia area. We been mentioned in a variety of media including but not limited to, Readymade magazine and more. In 2008 we had four in house shows at the Compound.  Here's a link to one of them.

<---------Here we are after our opening of our Group Show at the Urban Outfitters headquarters in May 2009

   Simply put we are a group of people who work in a variety of creative fields and share space with each other in order to help promote ourselves, grow as artists and in the end enjoy what we do on a day to day basis.  Check out our old posts to see  what we've been up to and the type of humor we enjoy. If you think you are a person who would fit into our dynamic, please inquire about the space at, or at In the meantime we'll keep chipping away at building our empire of fun.

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