last Halloween a few of us at the compound dressed up like the golden girls. i was Sofia and i looked disgusting. i feel sorry for you if you were anywhere near me. this Friday is this Halloween. it's the one time of year that this entire city can be as sexy as it wants to be, drink too much, walk around like an idiot, throw up, start back at the start, and generally make mistakes that they'll shamefully hold on to until the next year. compound pals emynd and bo are throwing a party at the green warehouse. not only are they two of the most stand up dudes around, their parties are second to none. you'd look like a real asshole if you didn't come out. we at the compound will be dressing as a rug cutters for this knucklehead.
Pumpkin Carving Winners!!! the top three are Third Place
is a secret mystery design that no one is allowed to view.
In Second, place .... Pat "the Gunner" Heid with an ode to an old classic
And first place Winner.......JUSTIN BERRY with this amazing life like self pumpk-trait.
Thanks to all the participants in the contest. I would like to personally thank Drew Lazor for the coverage on the City Paper's Blog. But, say however it will in NO WAY AFFECT my vote in next year's contest. Well, played sir. Here's the Link to the City Paper's Blog
i haven't watched t.v in a number of years. Not because i don't enjoy it, but because i never had cable. well recently i have been watching some television, particularly the phillies game. now with sports there are a ton of nonsense commercials that keep repeating. first, im fucking over the political commercials. we know you approved the message. you paid 3 million fucking dollars for the airspace, we know you fucking gave the go ahead for the commercial. then, who else hates the kutch. fucking ashton. i dont care if youre taking photos on your european vacation, i dont care that youre only taken your undies with you. also, i dont know if anyone else gets calls from max julius while they are surfing on their iphone, but u want that fucker to call me.
i'm lazy. it takes me a full week to actually post anything. Alabama gets a bum wrap. They've got better football, better manners, and some of the best people in the world.
Yet now that half of Brooklyn decided that country music is really cool and there's trust funds from Connecticut supporting little assholes to be the next Woody Guthrie, and some Philly chick saying ya'll with a twang to indicate "down-ness", it's refreshing to sit back and lose your mind with a bunch of some yes ma'am/no sir good-ol'-boys that live the life they actually sing about. That's exactly what was brought to the table Monday night. Compound resident John David Mahaffey had some hometown friends passing through the city for CMJ, so naturally we had them play a show in our gallery space. Here's what happened… John started the night with a couple of songs he's written…Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of him playing because I'm a shitty friend. he has nothing recorded to show you now, but give it a few more weeks, we'll keep everyone up to date. Next up was 13ghosts, they rule and have good beards. well spoken lyrics placed into a lightening storm. a must see if they come through your town. vulture whale played next. equal parts indie rock and country, you'll be hearing more from them soon. arkadelphia closed it out with a no holds barred assault of heart filled country rock. they mean why they play, what they play, and how they play it. highly recommended.
the rest of the night turned into a clusterfuck of sing alongs and photographs. check out more of the show pictures here.
The annual hotwax pumpkin carving contest took over a new location this year. The spot.....the compound. This year, like any other, was amazing. All the contributors brought their "A" game to the table. The ideas, the art, and the tools set a new precedence in pumpkin carving to come. Seeds were flung, ghords were sliced and happy faces were everywhere. After hours of pumpkin schrapnal, monster mashing, and halftime, there arose from the depths of the pumpkin seeds the best pumpkin carving i have seen to date.
The pumpkins displayed, the candles lit, and the anxious artists were ready to pick from the masses one, i repeat one, pumpkin to stand at the top of the podium to be riegned the 2008 pumpkin carving champion. Now i do not want to give out the winner without you having first seen for yourself the wonderful display of jack-o- lantery. But here is a small sample of what you are in store for.
the first pumpkin is from local compounder, rookie carver adam pietras. the second is from 2005 carving champ justin berry. and the third is from the lovely talented stacey senske. there are tons more but unfortunately my i phone died and i could not document anymore. but later many more photos will be posted and the winner will be revealed
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
taking it back to 93'
The last time the Phillies were in the world series it was 1993. I was 15 years old. I remember part of it. You see at that time my older brother was in college at Clemson, SC. I remember being in his dorm room when the Phillies lost. I remember Joe Carter. I remember Mitch Williams. I remember that I had never previously been that drunk in my life. I was 15. It was really the second or third time I got loaded with my brother. It was awesome. So as I hope the Phillies win in order to lighten up this city for a split second and give everybody something to cheer about. I really hope that all of us find time to get as drunk as I did in 1993 at some point in during the series. GOOD LUCK. we will be doing our part..... .
Last night the Philadelphia Phillies won the NLCS securing their chance into the World Series. This is the first time since 1993 that they’ve had this shot, so the city is in an uproar of super fandom, honking their horns at anything with a “Ph” in it. Everyone has rushed out and bought crisp brand new hats, and they’re getting all sticky and excited like the time I lost my virginity. That was gross. I apologize. All in all, everyone is all fired up and shitting fire. Or “phire” if you’re you a dumbshit.
I have now lived in Philadelphia for approaching three years now and I have yet to ever hear of these “Phillies” that everyone seems so excited about all of the sudden. I always thought that people were ranting and raving about “cigars” whenever the name arose. I always agreed with a smile saying “yeah, you’re right! They are number one!” boy, do I feel like a dummy. They’re talking about a generally mid-rate sports team comprised of dudes with dumb facial hair.
So off they go, to lose in the world series. I say lose because my hopes and dreams are that the Atlanta Braves are going to swoop in and sweep the pennant. I know that is literally impossible, but then again Chipper has proven he can do anything. I also say lose due to the Billy Penn Curse, because a gentleman’s agreement should never be broken. That’s some next level classic shit. Seriously, unwritten rules stand true in most cases.. *don’t fuck babies (no matter how hot they are) *don’t fuck dogs (no matter how hot they are) *women are crazy, but boobs make it worth it. *don’t trust herons with your pots and pans *drinking to excess is good for you
If you can’t agree with that you’re a terrorist, and we at the Compound wont stand for that. Not one bit. Ever vigilant.
In the long run maybe they’ll win and everyone in the city can lighten up for a minute. My friends will be stoked, that’s for sure. I’ll be there on the couch clapping along, because its pretty cool when your friends are acting like baseball on the tv is like a stripper being in the same room. In closing, fuck you yankies. The south will rise again.
studio holder, mr. ryan beck Debbie Lutz wearing my shirt, our most supportive patron of the night leaving with a total of 4 tees. people hugged newly philly-ed Derrick Mcnew
the night before...adam being a nerd "blogging", this is one of probably 18 pictures of him doing so, this is the only one that doesn't accentuate his bald spot.
napali lounging. clearly she wasn't worried about time constraints. John shredding, he likes guitars, clearly. chris and lizzy obviously excited for the show.
i'm not at work right now. it's pretty awesome apart from the fact that i'm spending a day off working on this place to make it nice for you assholes*. tonight is going to be like this...
it's 11 o'clock and i'm watching the steveharvey show. where are your children?
see ya'll at 6 o'clock tonight! if you don't come i'll send john into your house looking like this..
thanks -jt
*i'm just kidding, none of you are assholes. and if you are, i'm not very sorry at all.
It's about 12:28 am. People are still working on the last details of there pieces. About 6 to 8 people have came through with there pieces for tomorrow. Jason is currently taking pictures of me to actuate my ever growing bald spot while i sit at the computer writing this post. (fully clothed for all your minds in the gutter). I'm sure the pics will make there way to this site for your amusement soon.
Anyway the pieces that have come in look really good there's a lot of diversity. If you want to buy some affordable one of a kind t shirts come check it out tomorrow or later today for those who want to debate semantics.
Here it is again
AND HERE IS THIS FOR GOOD MEASURE.. . take it in...that's some nice facial hair.