As I was working at my drawing table, my camera tripod was jostled and tumbled to the ground. It then hit my open computer as it was strategically set up on a large can of gesso (Clearly I make tremendously wonderful decisions). There it sat, without a scrape or a dent, sandwiched between floor and metal. I suppose it still works, but only about 1/4th of the screen is visible.
All 8 of you that read this thing might be wondering why I told this long winded story that applies to nothing in your life. It does, however, hinder my ability to upload pictures to my computer and consequently onto the internet.
I know, I know. It’s okay. Calm down. It’s alright. You’ll just have to make due until I get my shit sorted.
In the meantime, here are a few choice shots of compound quizzo (which we all failed to talk about after the fact.)…

half of my team (the best team)

these assholes won (somehow)
Good times were had by all. Watch out for more in the future, as we'll be doing it again. except next time i'll win.
As always there are a few more here.
222 Gallery in old city (222 vine st.) is hosting a “Friends and Family” show called (appropriately enough) Group Show and it’s featuring our very own Ryan Beck and some other favorites such as Todd St. John, Damien Correll, John Freeborn, and many many many others. Check that out!
And then…
Dress like you enjoy holidays. I hate them, I think they are dreadful. But this festivity will be festive if you do.
I’m going to start at nine. You can come anytime after that.
hopefully it'll be a lot like this...
(p.s. nice picture Erin. I enjoyed it)
(p.p.s. no. not like that)
As always there are a few more here.
222 Gallery in old city (222 vine st.) is hosting a “Friends and Family” show called (appropriately enough) Group Show and it’s featuring our very own Ryan Beck and some other favorites such as Todd St. John, Damien Correll, John Freeborn, and many many many others. Check that out!
And then…
Dress like you enjoy holidays. I hate them, I think they are dreadful. But this festivity will be festive if you do.
I’m going to start at nine. You can come anytime after that.
hopefully it'll be a lot like this...
(p.s. nice picture Erin. I enjoyed it)
(p.p.s. no. not like that)